Over the past 10 years, I have learned a few tricks that have helped me deal with this disease a little better. Now keep in mind that these tips may not work the same for everyone, as we all know, no two people have the same symptoms so adjust to your own needs. And just as a reminder, while I am pretty awesome, I'm not a medical doctor so don't get your panties in a wad if something doesn't work...
Barium... This word brings fear to many Crohnies, myself included. Some may try and trick you by saying things like "Oh, it tastes like a vanilla milkshake"... I don't know where YOU get your shakes, but where I do they don't taste like chalk and crap! You can put a man on the moon but you can't make Barium taste better!? Come on!... What I do to make the experience a little less unpleasant, is I bring my own Hershey's chocolate syrup and mix it in with the barium. It masks the disgusting taste while allowing the barium to still coat your intestines properly! Voila! You're welcome...